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Keybot 9 Résultats  www.strelka.com
  Strelka Magazine - Сове...  
Тогда здание решили перепроектировать под Дом инженерно-технических работников (ДИТР). Про дворец культуры речи не шло, поскольку по плану создания соцгорода, он должен был быть построен буквально через дорогу.
The snail-shaped kindergarten of Justice Town, Yekaterinburg’s another famous city block, was raised for children of local families. The Town, built between 1932 and 1934, accommodated Yekaterinburg judges and penitentiary workers. The Town was constructed on the basis of a city jailhouse, built in the second half of the 19 th century and named Corrective Labour House following the October 1917 Revolution. The project was allegedly designed by Sergey Zakharov. The Town stands far off from traditional tourist routes, and even Yekaterinburg locals are hardly aware of the existence of the snail-shaped house.
  Strelka Magazine - Новы...  
В нём я задалась вопросом: какое утешение поколение разочарованных миллениалов нашло в партизанской оккупации находящегося в частном владении общественного пространства, со всех сторон окружённого системой, которой они напрямую противостояли?
The complexity of the everyday and ineffability of the vernacular have been among my photographic interests for quite a while now: as a photographer, I mostly explore public urban spaces and the way the city is growing. I treat photography as one of the tools available for understanding and exploring the environment we live in. I hope to gain knowledge and understanding of new methods and tools and, overall, expect a perspective shift in the way I’m looking at the urban environment. Also, lately I’ve been doing a lot of aerial photography and I would to take this further: I have some ideas which need testing and I hope that studying at Strelka will bring some insights into how we can use aerial visual data for research and analysis.