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Keybot 3 Results  green-barley-p.eu
  Гранит | H&L Studija  
Карьеры гранита находятся в различных регионах мира — в Европе, Южной Америке и Китае. В зависимости от места добывания, оттенки гранита варируют от очень светлых до совсем тёмных тонов. В интерьере и архитектуре гранит используется для всевозможных целей – в отделке стен, полов, рабочих поверхностей и фасадов зданий.
Granite is an igneous rock composed mostly of two minerals: quartz and feldspar. Granite quarries are located in different regions: Europe, South America and China. Depending on the extraction place granite shades may vary from very light to completely dark tones. In architecture and interior works granite is used for all possible purposes: wall cladding, fooring, finishing work surfaces and building facades. Due to its durability and longevity granite is used in creating monuments and other ornamental infrastructure details. Granite is the most suitable stone for exterior in climate and environmental conditions of Latvia.