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Keybot 2 Résultats  www.nabertherm-rus.ru
  Фольга для оÑ...  
Нарезается фольга подходящего размера
La feuille se coupe à la taille nécessaire
Folie wird auf passende Größe zugeschnitten
La lámina se corta al tamaño deseado
Il foglio è tagliato nella misura adatta
Foil is cut to the correct size
Foil is cut to the correct size
Foil is cut to the correct size
Foil is cut to the correct size
Foil is cut to the correct size
Folię można przyciąć do odpowiedniej wielkości
Foil is cut to the correct size
  Фольга из неÑ...  
Рулоны имеются разной длины и ширины, конверты и мешки поставляются различных размеров. Фольгу из рулона можно резать ножницами по металлу и затем заворачивать в нее заготовку. Необходимые Вам вспомогательные средства, например, щипцы и специальные защитные перчатки, Вы найдете на стр. 9.
Single parts requiring protection against decarburizing can be wrapped in a stainless steel heat treating foil off the roll or packed in prepared envelopes or bags. The rolls are available in various lengths and widths, the envelopes and bags are supplied in various dimensions. Foil off the roll can be cut to size using gold plates scissors and the workpiece can be wrapped to requirements. See page 9 for more details about accessory supplies required, such as tongs and special gloves. The protected workpiece can now be loaded into the heated furnace. Due to the foil's thinness, it takes on the furnace temperature immediately and binds oxygen trapped in the foil packaging. There is then no oxygen present to oxidize the workpiece itself. The workpiece stays clean. After the appropriate dwell time in the furnace, the wrapped workpiece is immersed in the quenching medium. After quenching the foil is removed and the part is then tempered. Care should be taken to ensure that the foil is not too close to the workpiece as otherwise the foil may become damaged. If the workpiece should have several openings or gaps, and a large amount of oxygen can be wrapped up, these gaps can be filled in with foil pieces. This increases the foil surface area. Caution! The foil has very sharp edges. Use gloves and tools.
Pour protéger certaines pièces contre la décarburation, il est possible de les emballer dans une feuille en acier inox disponible sous forme de rouleau ou dans des enveloppes ou poches préfabriquées. Les rouleaux sont disponibles dans différentes longueurs et largeurs, les enveloppes et les poches sont fournies dans différentes dimensions. La feuille en rouleau peut être coupée avec des ciseaux spéciaux et la pièce enveloppée en conséquence. Vous trouverez les accessoires éventuellement nécessaires tels que pinces ou gants spéciaux à la page 9. La pièce ainsi protégée peut alors être placée dans le four chaud. La feuille étant très fine, elle atteint immédiatement la température du four et lie l'oxygène qu'elle a emprisonné. Il n'y a donc plus d'oxygène pour oxyder la pièce. La pièce reste propre. Une fois le temps de séjour terminé dans le four, la pièce emballée se plonge dans l'agent de trempe. La feuille s'enlève après la trempe et la pièce peut ensuite être revenue. Veiller à ce que la feuille ne 'colle' pas trop à la pièce, cela pourrait l'endommager. Si la pièce présente des cavités importantes et que beaucoup d'oxygène est ainsi prisonnier, il est possible de les remplir avec des bouts de feuille. La surfaces pour piéger l‘oxygène seront plus grandes. Attention! Les arêtes de la feuille sont très coupantes. Utiliser des gants et des outils.
Um Einzelstücke vor dem Entkohlen zu schützen, können diese in eine Edelstahlfolie von der Rolle eingeschlagen oder in bereits vorgefertigte Umschläge oder Tüten verpackt werden. Die Rollen gibt es in unterschiedlichen Längen und Breiten, die Umschläge und Tüten werden in verschiedenen Abmessungen geliefert. Folie von der Rolle kann mit einer Goldblechschere zugeschnitten und das Werkstück entsprechend eingeschlagen werden. Eventuell notwendige Hilfsmittel wie Zangen und Spezialhandschuhe sind auf Seite 9 zu finden. Das so geschützte Werkstück kann dann in den warmen Ofen beschickt werden. Da die Folie sehr dünn ist, hat sie sofort nach dem Beschicken die Temperatur des Ofens angenommen und bindet den in der Folienverpackung eingeschlossenen Sauerstoff. Für das eigentliche Werkstück ist dann kein Sauerstoff zum Oxidieren mehr vorhanden. Das Werkstück bleibt sauber. Nach der entsprechenden Verweilzeit im Ofen wird das verpackte Werkstück in das Abschreckmedium getaucht. Nach dem Abschrecken wird die Folie entfernt und das Teil kann anschließend angelassen werden. Es ist darauf zu achten, dass die Folie nicht zu eng an dem Werkstück anliegt, da es sonst zu Beschädigung der Folie kommen kann. Sollte das Werkstück größere Durchbrüche haben und somit viel Sauerstoff eingewickelt werden, können diese mit Folienresten ausgefüllt werden. Die Oberfläche der Folie wird dadurch vergrößert. Vorsicht! Die Folie ist sehr scharfkantig. Handschuhe und Werkzeug benutzen.
Con el fin de proteger piezas individuales de la descarburación, éstas pueden introducirse en una lámina de acero del rollo o bien envolverlas en fundas o bolsas ya terminadas. Los rollos pueden tener distintas longitudes y anchos, las fundas y bolsas se suministran en distintos tamaños. La lámina puede cortarse del rollo con unas tijeras de chapa de oro; una vez cortada ya puede envolverse la pieza según corresponda. En la página 9 encontrará otros medios auxiliares, como pinzas y guantes especiales. La pieza protegida de esta manera ya puede cargarse en el horno caliente. Puesto que la lámina es muy fina, inmediatamente tras su introducción en el horno alcanza la temperatura del horno y absorbe el oxígeno encerrado en el envoltorio de la lámina. Así pues, para la propia pieza ya no se dispone de oxígeno para oxidación. La pieza permanece limpia. Tras el correspondiente tiempo de permanencia en el horno, la pieza envuelta se sumerge en el medio de enfriamiento. Una vez fría, se retira la lámina y a continuación puede procederse al revenido de la pieza. En este caso deberá tenerse en cuenta que la lámina no se halle demasiado cerca de la pieza, ya que podría dañarse la lámina. Si la pieza presenta roturas grandes y por tanto demasiado oxígeno en las mismas, éstas pueden rellenarse con restos de lámina. De este modo, la superficie de la lámina también aumentará. ¡Atención! La lámina tiene unos cantos muy vivos. Utilice guantes y herramientas.
Per proteggere singoli pezzi dalla decarburazione, questi potranno essere avvolti in un foglio di acciaio inossidabile fornito in rotolo oppure in buste o sacchetti già pronti all'uso. I rotoli di foglio sono disponibili in varie lunghezze e larghezze, le buste ed i sacchetti sono fornite in diverse dimensioni. Il foglio dal rotolo può essere tagliato a misura per mezzo di una cesoia orefici per avvolgere quindi il rispettivo pezzo. Eventuali accessori richiesti, come pinze o guanti speciali, sono riportati a pagina 9. Il pezzo protetto in questo modo può essere inserito nel forno caldo. Poiché il foglio è molto sottile, appena caricato avrà raggiunto la temperatura del forno e lega l'ossigeno racchiuso. In tal modo il pezzo da trattare non ha più ossigeno per l'ossidazione. Il pezzo rimane pulito. Dopo il rispettivo periodo di permanenza nel forno il pezzo avvolto viene immerso nel mezzo di raffreddamento. Dopo il raffreddamento viene rimosso il foglio ed il pezzo può essere successivamente sottoposto al processo di rinvenimento. Tenere presente che il foglio non dovrà essere avvolto troppo stretto intorno al pezzo per evitare danneggiamenti del foglio. Se il pezzo da trattare presenta grandi aperture, comportando l'inclusione di una grande quantità di ossigeno, questi spazi possono essere riempiti con resti di fogli. In tal modo aumenta la superficie del foglio. Attenzione! Il foglio presenta spigoli molto taglienti. Utilizzare guanti ed utensili.
Single parts requiring protection against decarburizing can be wrapped in a stainless steel heat treating foil off the roll or packed in prepared envelopes or bags. The rolls are available in various lengths and widths, the envelopes and bags are supplied in various dimensions. Foil off the roll can be cut to size using gold plates scissors and the workpiece can be wrapped to requirements. See page 9 for more details about accessory supplies required, such as tongs and special gloves. The protected workpiece can now be loaded into the heated furnace. Due to the foil's thinness, it takes on the furnace temperature immediately and binds oxygen trapped in the foil packaging. There is then no oxygen present to oxidize the workpiece itself. The workpiece stays clean. After the appropriate dwell time in the furnace, the wrapped workpiece is immersed in the quenching medium. After quenching the foil is removed and the part is then tempered. Care should be taken to ensure that the foil is not too close to the workpiece as otherwise the foil may become damaged. If the workpiece should have several openings or gaps, and a large amount of oxygen can be wrapped up, these gaps can be filled in with foil pieces. This increases the foil surface area. Caution! The foil has very sharp edges. Use gloves and tools.
Single parts requiring protection against decarburizing can be wrapped in a stainless steel heat treating foil off the roll or packed in prepared envelopes or bags. The rolls are available in various lengths and widths, the envelopes and bags are supplied in various dimensions. Foil off the roll can be cut to size using gold plates scissors and the workpiece can be wrapped to requirements. See page 9 for more details about accessory supplies required, such as tongs and special gloves. The protected workpiece can now be loaded into the heated furnace. Due to the foil's thinness, it takes on the furnace temperature immediately and binds oxygen trapped in the foil packaging. There is then no oxygen present to oxidize the workpiece itself. The workpiece stays clean. After the appropriate dwell time in the furnace, the wrapped workpiece is immersed in the quenching medium. After quenching the foil is removed and the part is then tempered. Care should be taken to ensure that the foil is not too close to the workpiece as otherwise the foil may become damaged. If the workpiece should have several openings or gaps, and a large amount of oxygen can be wrapped up, these gaps can be filled in with foil pieces. This increases the foil surface area. Caution! The foil has very sharp edges. Use gloves and tools.
Single parts requiring protection against decarburizing can be wrapped in a stainless steel heat treating foil off the roll or packed in prepared envelopes or bags. The rolls are available in various lengths and widths, the envelopes and bags are supplied in various dimensions. Foil off the roll can be cut to size using gold plates scissors and the workpiece can be wrapped to requirements. See page 9 for more details about accessory supplies required, such as tongs and special gloves. The protected workpiece can now be loaded into the heated furnace. Due to the foil's thinness, it takes on the furnace temperature immediately and binds oxygen trapped in the foil packaging. There is then no oxygen present to oxidize the workpiece itself. The workpiece stays clean. After the appropriate dwell time in the furnace, the wrapped workpiece is immersed in the quenching medium. After quenching the foil is removed and the part is then tempered. Care should be taken to ensure that the foil is not too close to the workpiece as otherwise the foil may become damaged. If the workpiece should have several openings or gaps, and a large amount of oxygen can be wrapped up, these gaps can be filled in with foil pieces. This increases the foil surface area. Caution! The foil has very sharp edges. Use gloves and tools.
Single parts requiring protection against decarburizing can be wrapped in a stainless steel heat treating foil off the roll or packed in prepared envelopes or bags. The rolls are available in various lengths and widths, the envelopes and bags are supplied in various dimensions. Foil off the roll can be cut to size using gold plates scissors and the workpiece can be wrapped to requirements. See page 9 for more details about accessory supplies required, such as tongs and special gloves. The protected workpiece can now be loaded into the heated furnace. Due to the foil's thinness, it takes on the furnace temperature immediately and binds oxygen trapped in the foil packaging. There is then no oxygen present to oxidize the workpiece itself. The workpiece stays clean. After the appropriate dwell time in the furnace, the wrapped workpiece is immersed in the quenching medium. After quenching the foil is removed and the part is then tempered. Care should be taken to ensure that the foil is not too close to the workpiece as otherwise the foil may become damaged. If the workpiece should have several openings or gaps, and a large amount of oxygen can be wrapped up, these gaps can be filled in with foil pieces. This increases the foil surface area. Caution! The foil has very sharp edges. Use gloves and tools.
Single parts requiring protection against decarburizing can be wrapped in a stainless steel heat treating foil off the roll or packed in prepared envelopes or bags. The rolls are available in various lengths and widths, the envelopes and bags are supplied in various dimensions. Foil off the roll can be cut to size using gold plates scissors and the workpiece can be wrapped to requirements. See page 9 for more details about accessory supplies required, such as tongs and special gloves. The protected workpiece can now be loaded into the heated furnace. Due to the foil's thinness, it takes on the furnace temperature immediately and binds oxygen trapped in the foil packaging. There is then no oxygen present to oxidize the workpiece itself. The workpiece stays clean. After the appropriate dwell time in the furnace, the wrapped workpiece is immersed in the quenching medium. After quenching the foil is removed and the part is then tempered. Care should be taken to ensure that the foil is not too close to the workpiece as otherwise the foil may become damaged. If the workpiece should have several openings or gaps, and a large amount of oxygen can be wrapped up, these gaps can be filled in with foil pieces. This increases the foil surface area. Caution! The foil has very sharp edges. Use gloves and tools.
Single parts requiring protection against decarburizing can be wrapped in a stainless steel heat treating foil off the roll or packed in prepared envelopes or bags. The rolls are available in various lengths and widths, the envelopes and bags are supplied in various dimensions. Foil off the roll can be cut to size using gold plates scissors and the workpiece can be wrapped to requirements. See page 9 for more details about accessory supplies required, such as tongs and special gloves. The protected workpiece can now be loaded into the heated furnace. Due to the foil's thinness, it takes on the furnace temperature immediately and binds oxygen trapped in the foil packaging. There is then no oxygen present to oxidize the workpiece itself. The workpiece stays clean. After the appropriate dwell time in the furnace, the wrapped workpiece is immersed in the quenching medium. After quenching the foil is removed and the part is then tempered. Care should be taken to ensure that the foil is not too close to the workpiece as otherwise the foil may become damaged. If the workpiece should have several openings or gaps, and a large amount of oxygen can be wrapped up, these gaps can be filled in with foil pieces. This increases the foil surface area. Caution! The foil has very sharp edges. Use gloves and tools.
W celu zabezpieczenia pojedynczych elementów przed odwęgleniem można zawinąć je w folię ze stali szlachetnej z rolki lub zapakować w prefabrykowane koperty lub torby. Dostępne są rolki o różnych długościach i szerokościach, koperty i torby oferowane są w różnych wymiarach. Folię z rolki można przyciąć za pomocą nożyc jubilerskich i zawinąć w nią przedmiot. Niezbędne wyposażenie pomocnicze w rodzaju kleszczy i specjalnych rękawic znaleźć można na str. 9. Zabezpieczony w ten sposób przedmiot można umieścić w gorącym piecu. Ponieważ folia jest bardzo cienka, natychmiast po załadowaniu przyjmuje temperaturę pieca i wiąże tlen zamknięty w opakowaniu. Właściwy przedmiot obrabiany nie może wtedy ulec utlenieniu z powodu braku tlenu. Przedmiot pozostaje czysty. Po odpowiednim czasie przebywania w piecu zapakowany przedmiot zanurzany jest w środku hartowniczym. Po hartowaniu usuwa się folię i może nastąpić odpuszczanie elementu. Należy zwracać uwagę na to, aby folia nie przylegała do elementu zbyt ściśle, ponieważ może to spowodować jej uszkodzenie. W przypadku, gdy przedmiot posiada duże otwory przelotowe, a tym samym w folii zostanie zamknięta duża ilość tlenu, otwory te można wypełnić skrawkami folii. Tym samym zwiększy się powierzchnia folii. Uwaga! Folia ma bardzo ostre krawędzie. Należy używać rękawic i narzędzi.
Single parts requiring protection against decarburizing can be wrapped in a stainless steel heat treating foil off the roll or packed in prepared envelopes or bags. The rolls are available in various lengths and widths, the envelopes and bags are supplied in various dimensions. Foil off the roll can be cut to size using gold plates scissors and the workpiece can be wrapped to requirements. See page 9 for more details about accessory supplies required, such as tongs and special gloves. The protected workpiece can now be loaded into the heated furnace. Due to the foil's thinness, it takes on the furnace temperature immediately and binds oxygen trapped in the foil packaging. There is then no oxygen present to oxidize the workpiece itself. The workpiece stays clean. After the appropriate dwell time in the furnace, the wrapped workpiece is immersed in the quenching medium. After quenching the foil is removed and the part is then tempered. Care should be taken to ensure that the foil is not too close to the workpiece as otherwise the foil may become damaged. If the workpiece should have several openings or gaps, and a large amount of oxygen can be wrapped up, these gaps can be filled in with foil pieces. This increases the foil surface area. Caution! The foil has very sharp edges. Use gloves and tools.
Single parts requiring protection against decarburizing can be wrapped in a stainless steel heat treating foil off the roll or packed in prepared envelopes or bags. The rolls are available in various lengths and widths, the envelopes and bags are supplied in various dimensions. Foil off the roll can be cut to size using gold plates scissors and the workpiece can be wrapped to requirements. See page 9 for more details about accessory supplies required, such as tongs and special gloves. The protected workpiece can now be loaded into the heated furnace. Due to the foil's thinness, it takes on the furnace temperature immediately and binds oxygen trapped in the foil packaging. There is then no oxygen present to oxidize the workpiece itself. The workpiece stays clean. After the appropriate dwell time in the furnace, the wrapped workpiece is immersed in the quenching medium. After quenching the foil is removed and the part is then tempered. Care should be taken to ensure that the foil is not too close to the workpiece as otherwise the foil may become damaged. If the workpiece should have several openings or gaps, and a large amount of oxygen can be wrapped up, these gaps can be filled in with foil pieces. This increases the foil surface area. Caution! The foil has very sharp edges. Use gloves and tools.