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Keybot 25 Results  audacity.sourceforge.net
  Audacity: Nyquist  
Opmerking: Symbolen in Nyquist (zoals variabele namen en functienamen) zijn niet hoofdlettergevoelig. Ze worden intern omgezet naar hoofdletters.
Remarque : Les mots comme les noms de variables et de fonctions ne sont pas sensibles à la casse, puisqu'ils sont convertis en majuscule par l'interpréteur.
Hinweis: Symbole in Nyquist (wie Variablen Namen und Funktionsnamen) sind nicht Groß-/Kleinschreibung abhängig. Sie werden intern zu Großbuchstaben konvertiert.
Nota: Los símbolos en Nyquist (como los nombres de variables y de funciones) no son sensibles al uso de mayúsculas y minúsculas. Internamente todos se convierten a mayúsculas.
Nota: I simboli in Nyquist (come i nomi delle variabili e i nomi delle funzioni) non sono sensibili a maiuscolo/minuscolo. Sono convertiti internamente in lettere maiuscole.
Napomena: Simboli u Nyquistu (kao imena nepoznanica i funkcija) nisu osjetljivi na velika-mala slova. Oni se unutra prevode u velika.
Uwaga: Symbole w Nyquist (jak nazwy zmiennych i funkcji) można pisać z małej lub dużej litery. Zostaną one przekonwertowane na dużą literę automatycznie.
Obs: Symboler i Nyquist (som variabelnamn och funktionsnamn) är inte skiftlägeskänsliga. De konverteras internt till stora bokstäver.
Dikkat: Nyquist içinde simgelerde (değişken adları ve işlev adları gibi) büyük küçük harf ayrımı yoktur. İçsel olarak büyük harfe dönüştürülürler.
Note: Symbols in Nyquist (like variable names and function names) are not case-sensitive. They are converted to uppercase internally.
  Audacity: Handleidingen...  
Download en installeer de laatste Audacity 2.0.3 handleiding in html-formaat (De meeste gebruikers op GNU/Linux zullen dit nodig hebben als ze een ingebouwde handleiding willen).
Téléchargez le dernier manuel d'Audacity 2.0.3 au format HTML (lien et manuel en anglais) (La plupart des utilisateurs sur GNU/Linux auront besoin de ceci s'ils veulent un manuel intégré).
Das aktuellste Audacity 2.0.3 Handbuch im HTML-Format herunterladen und installieren (Die meisten Benutzer auf GNU/Linux benötigen dies, falls sie ein integriertes Handbuch haben möchten).
Descargar e instalar el último manual de Audacity 2.0.3 en formato HTML (La mayoría de los usuarios de GNU/Linux lo necesitarán si quieren un manual interno).
Scaricamento e installazione dell'ultimo Manuale Audacity 2.0.3 nel formato HTML (La maggior parte degli utenti di GNU/Linux avraà bisogno di questo se vogliono un manuale incorporato nel programma.
最新のAudacity 2.0.3のマニュアルをHTML形式でダウンロードする。 (ほとんどの GNU/Linux ユーザーはこれを使うことでビルトイン・マニュアルを利用できます)
Skinite i ugradite najnoviji Audacity 2.0.3 vodič u HTML-u (Većina korisnika GNU/Linuxa trebat će ovo ako žele ugrađeni vodič).
Download and install the latest Audacity 2.0.3 Manual in HTML format (Most users on GNU/Linux will need this if they want a built-in Manual).
Prenesite in namestite najnovejši priročnik za Audacity 2.0.3 v zapisu HTML (Večina uporabnikov GNU/Linux bo potrebovala to, če želijo vgrajeni priročnik.)
Son Audacity 2.0.3 sürümü kitabını HTML biçiminde indirip kurabilirsiniz (GNU/Linux kullanan çoğu kullanıcı, kitabı programın içinde istediklerinde buna gerek duyacaklar).
Download and install the latest Audacity 2.0.3 Manual in HTML format (Most users on GNU/Linux will need this if they want a built-in Manual).
Download and install the latest Audacity 2.0.3 Manual in HTML format (Most users on GNU/Linux will need this if they want a built-in Manual).
Jeitsi eta ezarri azken 2.0.3 Eskuliburua HTML heuskarrian (GNU/Linux erabiltzaile gehienek hau beharko dute barne-eraikitako Eskuliburua nahi badute).
  Audacity: Plugins en bi...  
De VST-plugins-pagina op onze Wiki bevat verdere hulp voor VST-plugins en geeft een lijst van een groot aantal VST-plug-ins waarvan gerapporteerd werd dat ze goed in Audacity werken.
La page des greffons VST (lien en anglais) sur notre Wiki (lien en anglais) contient davantage d'information pour les greffons VST et liste un grand nombre de greffons VST qui sont réputés fonctionner correctement avec Audacity.
Die VST-Plugins Seite in unserem Wiki enthält weitere Hilfe zu VST-Plugins, und listet eine große Anzahl von VST-Plugins, die in Audacity als funktionierend gemeldet wurden.
The VST Plug-ins page on our Wiki contains further help for VST plug-ins, and lists a large number of VST plug-ins that have been reported to work well in Audacity.
Stran Vtičniki VST (v angl.) na našem wikiju vsebuje seznam velikega števila vtičnikov VST, ki naj bi odlično delovali v Audacity.
Wiki sayfamızdaki VST Eklentileri bölümü, VST eklentileri ile ilgili daha ayrıntılı bilgi ve Audacity ile iyi çalıştığı bildirilen çok sayıda VST eklentisi içerir.
  Audacity: Programmeren ...  
Combineert twee geluiden zodat ze simultaan afgespeeld worden.
Combine les sons s1 et s2 de manière simultanée.
Kombiniert zwei Klänge, sodass Sie simultan (zeitgleich) gespielt werden.
Combina dos sonidos para que puedan reproducirse simultáneamente.
Combinare due audio in modo che siano riprodotti contemporaneamente.
Spaja dva zvka tako da se istovremeno izvode
दो ध्वनियों को जोड़ती है जिससे उन्हें एक साथ बजाया जा सके.
Łączy dwa dźwięki, aby grały równocześnie.
İki sesi birleştirir, bu sayede aynı anda oynatılabilirler.
Aldiberean irakurtzen diren bi soinu nahasten ditu.
  Audacity: Licentie en a...  
u ze publiceert.
Sie es veröffentlichen.
de que la publique.
di pubblicarla.
de você a publicar.
nego ju objavite.
you publish it.
ako ich zverejnite.
jo objavite.
du publicerar den.
bạn công bố nó.
  Audacity: Windows bèta  
In sommige gevallen kan een functie niet werken zoals ze voordien deed, of ze kan tijdelijk uitgeschakeld zijn.
Parfois, une fonctionnalité peut ne plus fonctionner comme auparavant ou être temporairement désactivées.
Gelegentlich könnte ein Funktion nicht so wie zuvor arbeiten, oder es könnte zeitweilig deaktiviert werden.
En algún caso, una función podría no funcionar como lo hacía antes o puede estar deshabilitada temporalmente.
Occasionalmente, una caratteristica potrebbe non funzionare come prima, o potrebbe essere temporaneamente disabilitata.
Ocasionalmente, um recurso pode parar de funcionar ou funcionar incorretamente.
Occasionally, a feature might not work as it did before, or might be temporarily disabled.
Occasionally, a feature might not work as it did before, or might be temporarily disabled.
Occasionally, a feature might not work as it did before, or might be temporarily disabled.
Occasionally, a feature might not work as it did before, or might be temporarily disabled.
Czasami, funkcja może nie działać tak jak działała wcześniej lub może chwilowo nie działać wcale.
Occasionally, a feature might not work as it did before, or might be temporarily disabled.
Včasih funkcionalnost ne deluje tako, kot je nekoč, ali pa je začasno onemogočena.
Bazı durumlarda, bir özellik daha önceki gibi çalışmayabilir ya da geçici olarak devre dışı bırakılabilir.
Thỉnh thoảng, một tính năng không làm việc giống như trước, hoặc có thể tạm thời bị vô hiệu hóa.
Іноді такі можливості потребують додаткового доопрацювання, можливо, їх буде виключено з майбутніх версій.
Occasionally, a feature might not work as it did before, or might be temporarily disabled.
  Audacity: Windows bèta  
In sommige gevallen kan een functie niet werken zoals ze voordien deed, of ze kan tijdelijk uitgeschakeld zijn.
Parfois, une fonctionnalité peut ne plus fonctionner comme auparavant ou être temporairement désactivées.
Gelegentlich könnte ein Funktion nicht so wie zuvor arbeiten, oder es könnte zeitweilig deaktiviert werden.
En algún caso, una función podría no funcionar como lo hacía antes o puede estar deshabilitada temporalmente.
Occasionalmente, una caratteristica potrebbe non funzionare come prima, o potrebbe essere temporaneamente disabilitata.
Ocasionalmente, um recurso pode parar de funcionar ou funcionar incorretamente.
Occasionally, a feature might not work as it did before, or might be temporarily disabled.
Occasionally, a feature might not work as it did before, or might be temporarily disabled.
Occasionally, a feature might not work as it did before, or might be temporarily disabled.
Occasionally, a feature might not work as it did before, or might be temporarily disabled.
Czasami, funkcja może nie działać tak jak działała wcześniej lub może chwilowo nie działać wcale.
Occasionally, a feature might not work as it did before, or might be temporarily disabled.
Včasih funkcionalnost ne deluje tako, kot je nekoč, ali pa je začasno onemogočena.
Bazı durumlarda, bir özellik daha önceki gibi çalışmayabilir ya da geçici olarak devre dışı bırakılabilir.
Thỉnh thoảng, một tính năng không làm việc giống như trước, hoặc có thể tạm thời bị vô hiệu hóa.
Іноді такі можливості потребують додаткового доопрацювання, можливо, їх буде виключено з майбутніх версій.
Occasionally, a feature might not work as it did before, or might be temporarily disabled.
  Audacity: Handleidingen...  
De Windows .exe en Mac OS X .dmg installatiebestanden bevatten a een ingebouwde kopie van de handleiding. Klik op Help > Handleiding (in webbrowser) in Audacity om ze te raadplegen.
Les installateurs .exe Windows et .dmg Mac OS X comprennent déjà une copie intégrée du manuel. Pour y accéder, cliquez sur Aide > Manuel (dans le navigateur Internet) à l'intérieur du programme Audacity.
Die Windows .exe und Mac OS X .dmg Installer beinhalten bereits eine Kopie des Handbuchs. Um es zu öffnen, klicken Sie auf Hilfe > Anleitung (im Internet-Browser) im Audacity Programm.
Los instaladores de Windows .exe y Mac OS X .dmg ya incluyen una copia del manual. Para acceder a el, haga clic en Ayuda >Manual (en el navegador) dentro de Audacity.
Gli installer Windows .exe e Mac OS X .dmgcomprendono una copia del Manuale. Per accedere al manuale, fate clic su Aiuto > Manuale (nel browser web) nel programma Audacity.
The Windows .exe およびMac OS X .dmg インストーラーはマニュアルを含んでおり、 Audacityプログラムのヘルプ > マニュアル(ブラウザで閲覧) でアクセスすることができます。
Windows .exe i Mac OS X .dmg ugradnici već imaju ugrađenu presliku Vodiča. Za pristup stisnite Pomoć > Vodič (u mrežnom pregledniku) u Audacityjevom programu.
The Windows .exe and Mac OS X .dmg installers already include a built-in copy of the Manual. To access it, click Help > Manual (in web browser) in the Audacity program.
Namestitveni datoteki za Windows .exe in Mac OS X .dmg že vsebujeta vgrajeno kopijo priročnika. V programu Audacity ga odprete s klikom Help > Priročnik (v brskalniku).
Windows .exe ve Mac OS X .dmg yükleyicilerinde kitabın bir kopyası bulunur. Erişmek için Audacity içinden Yardım > Kitap komutuna tıklayın (web tarayıcısında).
The Windows .exe and Mac OS X .dmg installers already include a built-in copy of the Manual. To access it, click Help > Manual (in web browser) in the Audacity program.
The Windows .exe and Mac OS X .dmg installers already include a built-in copy of the Manual. To access it, click Help > Manual (in web browser) in the Audacity program.
Windows .exe eta Mac OS X .dmg ezartzaileek jadanik Eskuliburuaren kopia bat dute barne-eraikita. Sarbidea izateko, klikatu Laguntza > Eskuliburua (web nabigatzailean) Audacity programan.
  Audacity: Documentatie ...  
Audacity wiki is een uitgebreide hulpbron die door gebruikers kan gewijzigd worden; ze bevat onder andere:
Le Wiki d'Audacity (lien en anglais) est une ressource d'aide éditable par les utilisateurs et extensive incluant :
Der Audacity-Wiki ist eine umfangreiche, von Benutzern aktualisierbare Hilfequelle, unter anderem mit:
Wiki de Audacity es un recurso de ayuda ampliable y editable por parte de los usuarios que incluye:
Audacity Wiki è una estesa risorsa di aiuto modificabile dall'utente che comprende:
Audacity Wiki is an extensive user-editable help resource including:
Audacity Wiki is an extensive user-editable help resource including:
Audacity Wiki is an extensive user-editable help resource including:
Audacityjeva Wikipedija nudi podrobnu pomoć (koju pišu korisnici) o:
Audacity Wiki is an extensive user-editable help resource including:
Audacity Wiki is an extensive user-editable help resource including:
Az Audacity Wiki egy felhasználók által szerkeszthető széleskörű segítség beleértve:
Audacity Wiki is an extensive user-editable help resource including:
Audacity Wiki is an extensive user-editable help resource including:
Audacity Wiki is an extensive user-editable help resource including:
Audacity Wiki is an extensive user-editable help resource including:
Wiki Audacity je obširen vir, ki ga urejajo uporabniki, in ki vključuje:
Audacity Wiki kullanıcılar tarafından düzenlenebilen kapsamlı bir yardım kaynağıdır ve şu konuları içerir:
Audacity Wiki is an extensive user-editable help resource including:
Audacity Wiki is an extensive user-editable help resource including:
Audacity Wikia erabiltzaileak editatu dezakeen laguntza baliabide zabal bat:
  Audacity: Vrije audio-e...  
Het Audacity-team is verheugd om de release van Audacity 2.0.3 te mogen aankondigen. Ze vervangt alle vorige versies.
L'équipe d'Audacity est heureuse d'annoncer la version Audacity 2.0.3. Elle remplace toutes les versions précédentes.
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 2.0.3. It replaces all previous versions.
El equipo de Audacity se complace en anunciar la publicación de Audacity 2.0.3. Esta versión sustituye a todas las anteriores.
Il Team Audacity è lieto di annunciare il rilascio di Audacity 2.0.3. Questa versione sostituisce le versioni precedenti.
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 2.0.3. It replaces all previous versions.
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 2.0.3. It replaces all previous versions.
Audacityチームより Audacity 2.0.3をリリースいたします。これはl すべての過去のバージョンを置き換えるものです。
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 2.0.3. It replaces all previous versions.
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 2.0.3. It replaces all previous versions.
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 2.0.3. It replaces all previous versions.
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 2.0.3. It replaces all previous versions.
Az Audacity csapat örömmel bejelenti, hogy megérkezett az Audacity 2.0.3.
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 2.0.3. It replaces all previous versions.
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 2.0.3. It replaces all previous versions.
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 2.0.3. It replaces all previous versions.
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 2.0.3. It replaces all previous versions.
Ekipa Audacity z veseljem objavlja izid Audacity 2.0.3. Ta nadomešča vse prejšnje različice.
Audacity Ekibi olarak, Audacity 2.0.3 sürümünün hazır olduğunu duyurmaktan gurur duyuyoruz. Bu sürüm tüm önceki sürümlerin yerini alıyor.
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 2.0.3. It replaces all previous versions.
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 2.0.3. It replaces all previous versions.
Audacity Taldea pozten da Audacity 2.0.3 argitalpena iragartzeaz. Honek aurreko bertsio guztiak ordezten ditu.
  Audacity: Kenmerken  
Importeer geluidsbestanden, bewerk ze en combineer ze met andere bestanden of nieuwe opnames. Exporteer uw opnames in veel verschillende bestandsformaten, inclusief meerdere bestanden tegelijk.
Import sound files, edit them, and combine them with other files or new recordings. Export your recordings in many different file formats, including multiple files at once.
Importez des fichiers de son, éditez-les, et mélangez-les avec d'autres fichiers ou de nouveaux enregistrements. Exporter vos enregistrements en différents formats de fichiers, y compris exportation de multiples fichiers simultanément.
Import sound files, edit them, and combine them with other files or new recordings. Export your recordings in many different file formats, including multiple files at once.
Importa archivos de sonido, edítelos y combínelos con otros archivos en como nuevas grabaciones. Exporte sus grabaciones en muchos formatos diferentes, incluso múltiples archivos de una vez.
Importazione di file audio, modifica dei file audio, e associazione dei file audio ad altri file o a nuove registrazioni. Esportazione di registrazioni in molti diversi formati file, compreso più file contemporaneamente.
Import sound files, edit them, and combine them with other files or new recordings. Export your recordings in many different file formats, including multiple files at once.
Ses dosyaları alınabilir, düzenlenebilir ve varolan dosyalarla ya da yeni yapılan kayıtlarla ile birleştirilebilir. Kayıtlar sık kullanılan dosya biçimlerinde ve bir kerede bir çok dosya olarak verilebilir.
Inportatu soinu agiriak, editatu hauek, eta nahastu itzazu beste agiri batzuekin edo grabaketa berriekin. Esportatu zure grabaketak agiri heuskarri ezberdin askotan, agiri anitz aldiberean barne.
  Audacity: Kenmerken  
Importeer geluidsbestanden, bewerk ze en combineer ze met andere bestanden of nieuwe opnames. Exporteer uw opnames in veel verschillende bestandsformaten, inclusief meerdere bestanden tegelijk.
Import sound files, edit them, and combine them with other files or new recordings. Export your recordings in many different file formats, including multiple files at once.
Importez des fichiers de son, éditez-les, et mélangez-les avec d'autres fichiers ou de nouveaux enregistrements. Exporter vos enregistrements en différents formats de fichiers, y compris exportation de multiples fichiers simultanément.
Import sound files, edit them, and combine them with other files or new recordings. Export your recordings in many different file formats, including multiple files at once.
Importa archivos de sonido, edítelos y combínelos con otros archivos en como nuevas grabaciones. Exporte sus grabaciones en muchos formatos diferentes, incluso múltiples archivos de una vez.
Importazione di file audio, modifica dei file audio, e associazione dei file audio ad altri file o a nuove registrazioni. Esportazione di registrazioni in molti diversi formati file, compreso più file contemporaneamente.
Import sound files, edit them, and combine them with other files or new recordings. Export your recordings in many different file formats, including multiple files at once.
Ses dosyaları alınabilir, düzenlenebilir ve varolan dosyalarla ya da yeni yapılan kayıtlarla ile birleştirilebilir. Kayıtlar sık kullanılan dosya biçimlerinde ve bir kerede bir çok dosya olarak verilebilir.
Inportatu soinu agiriak, editatu hauek, eta nahastu itzazu beste agiri batzuekin edo grabaketa berriekin. Esportatu zure grabaketak agiri heuskarri ezberdin askotan, agiri anitz aldiberean barne.
  Audacity: Windows  
"Nightly builds" zijn Alpha builds van de nieuwste ontwikkelingscode. Uw hulp bij het testen en bugs rapporteren bij deze builds zijn van onschatbare waarde. Opmerking: deze builds zullen zeker minder stabiel zijn dan officiële versies.
Para usuarios experimentados, las versiones Nightly Builds para Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8 se encuentran disponibles para hacer pruebas de los últimos cambios. Las "Nightly Builds" son compilaciones alfa creadas a partir de nuestra última versión de desarrollo. Su ayuda probando y comunicando errores en estas versiones es incalculable. Nota: Estas compilaciones pueden ser más inestables que las versiones beta o estable. No deberían utilizarse como versión de producción de Audacity.
上級ユーサー向けに, Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8用のNightly Builds をテスト目的で使用することができます。 "Nightly Builds" は通常のリリースの間に私たちの最新開発コードからアルファビルドされたものです。 このビルドをテストしたりバグの報告 をいただくことは計り知れないほどの価値があります。注意: これらのビルドは、当然のことながら、正式版より不安定である可能性があります。作品制作用としては使用しないでください。
  Audacity: Programmeren ...  
De volgende instructies creëren allemaal nieuwe geluiden. U kunt ze gebruiken om "Genereren"-plugin-effecten aan te maken, of u kan deze gesynthetiseerde geluiden combineren met geselecteerde audio om interessante effecten te produceren.
Alle folgenden Funktionen erzeugen neue Klänge. Sie können Sie verwenden, um Effekte-Plug-Ins zu "generieren", oder Sie können diese synthetisierten Klänge mit selektierten Audiodaten verknüpfen und interessante Effekte erzeugen.
Las funciones siguientes generan nuevos sonidos. Se pueden utilizar para crear plug-in del tipo "Generar", aunque también se pueden combiunar estos sonidos sintetizados con partes de audio ya existentes para producir efectos curiosos.
Le seguenti funzioni creano tutte nuovi audio. È possibile usarle per creare plug-in effetti "Genera", o potete combinare questi audio sintetizzati con l'audio selezionato per produrre interessanti effetti.
Sve sljedeće radnje stvaraju nov zvuk. Možete ih rabiti za "stvarajuće" utičničke učinke ili možete složiti ove stvorene zvukove skupa s izabranim (snimljenim) zvukom kako biste proizveli zanimljive efekte.
The following functions all create new sounds. You can use them to create "generate" plug-in effects, or you can combine these synthesized sounds with selected audio to produce interesting effects.
Wszystkie te funkcje tworzą nowe dźwięki. Można ich używać do "generowania" efektów wtyczek lub do łączenia syntetyzowanych dźwięków z zaznaczonym dźwiękiem do tworzenia ciekawych efektów.
Aşağıdaki işlevlerin hepsi yeni sesler üretir. Bunları "Üreteç" eklentileriyle etki oluşturmak ya da seçili ses ile birleştirilmiş sesleri karıştırarak başka ilginç etkiler elde etmek için kullanabilirsiniz.
The following functions all create new sounds. You can use them to create "generate" plug-in effects, or you can combine these synthesized sounds with selected audio to produce interesting effects.
  Audacity: Vertalers  
Normaal gezien zal er al een vertaling voor uw taal van de Audacity-software of -website zijn, maar ze moet dikwijls bijgewerkt worden voor de laatste wijzigingen. Om een bestaande vertaling te updaten gebruikt u onderstaande links om het .
Normalement, il devrait déjà y avoir une traduction pour votre langage du logiciel Audacity software ou du site web, mais souvent, il nécessite d'être mis-à-jour. Pour mettre-à-jour une traduction existante, utilisez les liens ci-dessous pour télécharger le fichier .po pour votre langage :
Normalerweise gibt es bereits eine Übersetzung für Ihre Sprache der Audacity-Software oder -Webseite, aber oft muß sie für die neuesten Änderungen aktualisiert werden. Um eine existierende Übersetzung zu aktualisieren, verwenden Sie die Links unten, um die .po-Datei für Ihre Sprache herunterzuladen:
Probablemente ya exista una traducción para su idioma del programa o del sitio web de Audacity, pero a menudo hay que actualizarlo para incluir los últimos cambios. Para actualizar una traducción existente, use los hipervínculos siguientes para descargar el archivo .po para su idioma:
In genere è già disponibile una traduzione nella vostra lingua del software Audacity o del sito web, ma spesso è necessario aggiornarla per le ultime modifiche. Per aggiornare una traduzione esistente, usate i link seguenti per scaricare il file .po per la vostra lingua:
Normally there will already be a translation for your language of the Audacity software or web site, but often it needs to be updated for the latest changes. To update an existing translation, use the links below to download the .po file for your language:
通常、AudacityソフトウェアあるいはWebサイトがすでに目的の言語に翻訳されていることが多いですが、最新のアップデートにあわせて修正が必要になる場合があります。 既存の翻訳を修正する場合は, 下記のリンクから目的の言語の.poファイルをダウンロードしてください:
Obično ćete već naići na prijevod Audacityja na vaš jezik, ali on često treba obnovu. Za obnovu postojećih prijevoda rabite donje poveznice za preuzimanje .po datnica u vašem jeziku:
Genellikle, Audacity yazılımı ya da web sitesi için sizin dilinizde yapılmış bir çeviri bulunur. Ancak bu çevirilerin çoğunlukla son değişiklikleri içerecek şekilde güncellenmesi de gerekir. Varolan bir çeviriyi güncellemek için, aşağıdaki bağlantılardan dilinize ait olan .po dosyasını indirin:
Arrunt jadanik egongo da Audacity softwarearen edo webgunearen zure hizkuntzako itzulpen bat, baina sarri eguneraketa bat beharko du azken aldaketatarako. Badagoen itzulpen bat eguneratzeko, erabili azpiko loturak zure hizkuntzako .po agiria jeisteko:
  Audacity: Plugins en bi...  
Plaats nieuwe LADSPA- of Nyquist-plugins in de plugins-map in de Audacity installatiemap om ze te installeren. Op Windows-computers is dit over het algemeen onder "Program Files". Op Mac OS X is dit normaal gezien onder "Applications".
Pour installer de nouveaux greffons LADSPA ou Nyquist, placez-les dans le répertoire Plug-Ins à l'intérieur du répertoire d'installation d'Audacity. Sur les ordinateurs équipés de Windows, il se trouve habituellement sous "Program Files". Sur Mac OS X, dans "Applications". Sur Linux, vous pouvez avoir à utiliser de nombreux emplacements de greffons. Redémarrez Audacity, et les greffons ajoutés apparaîtront en dessous du diviseur dans les menus "Effets", "Générer" ou "Analyse".
Um neue LADSPA oder Nyquist Plugins zu installieren, kopieren Sie diese in den Plug-Ins Ordner im Audacity Installationsordner. In Windows, ist dies meistens unter "Programme". In Mac OS X, ist es meistens unter "Anwendungen". In Linux, können Sie verschiedene Plugin Orte nutzen. Starten Sie Audacity neu, dann werden die hinzugefügten Plugins unterhalb des Trenners in den "Effekt", "Erzeugen" oder "Analyse" Menüs erscheinen.
To install new LADSPA or Nyquist plug-ins, place them in the Plug-Ins folder inside the Audacity installation folder. On Windows computers, this is usually under "Program Files". On Mac OS X, it is usually under "Applications". On Linux, you can use various plug-in locations. Restart Audacity, then the addded plug-ins will appear underneath the divider in the "Effect", "Generate" or "Analyze" menus.
新しいLADSPAまたはNyquistプラグインをインストールするには、プラグインをAudacityインスールフォルダのPlug-Ins フォルダに置いてください。Windowsコンピュータでは 通常、これは"Program Files"の下にあります。 Mac OS Xでは、通常、"Applications"の下です。 Linuxではvarious plug-in locationsを使うことができます。 Audacityを再起動することで、そのプラグインは"エフェクト", "生成" または "解析" メニューの分割線の下に現われます。
Če želite namestiti dodatne vtičnike, jih postavite v mapo Plug-Ins v namestitveni mapi Audacity. V sistemih Windows se ta običajno nahaja v mapi "Program Files". V sistemih Mac OS X je običajno v mapi "Applications". V sistemih Linux lahko uporabite različna mesta vtičnikov. Ponovno zaženite Audacity, nato se vtičniki pojavijo pod ločilom v menijih "Učinek", "Tvori" ali "Analiziraj".
Yeni LADSPA ya da Nyquist eklentileri kurmak için, eklenti dosyalarını Audacity kurulum klasöründeki Plug-Ins klasörünün içine yerleştirin. Windows kullanan bilgisayarlarda, bu klasör genellikle "Program Files" altında bulunur. Mac OS X üzerinde ise, genellikle "Applications" klasörü altında bulunur. Linux üzerinde, çeşitli eklenti konumları olabilir. Audacity programını yeniden başlattıktan sonra yeni Eklentiler "Etkiler", "Oluştur" ya da "Çözümle" menülerinin altında görünecektir.
  Audacity: Mac OS X  
"Nightly builds" zijn Alpha builds van de nieuwste ontwikkelingscode. Uw hulp bij het testen en bugs rapporteren bij deze builds zijn van onschatbare waarde. Opmerking: deze builds zullen zeker minder stabiel zijn dan officiële versies.
Für fortgeschrittene Benutzer sind Nightly Builds für OS X 10.4 oder später (Universal Binary) zum Testen verfügbar. "Nightly Builds" sind Alpha Versionen vom aktuellsten Entwicklungscode. Ihre Hilfe im Testen und Fehler berichten in diesen Versionen ist unbezahlbar. Hinweis: Diese Versionen werden definitiv weniger zuverlässig sein, als offizielle Veröffentlichungen. Sie sollten nicht als Ihre Produktionsversion von Audacity genutzt werden.
Para usuarios experimentados, las versiones Nightly Builds para OS X 10.4 o superior (binario universal) se encuentran disponibles para hacer pruebas de los últimos cambios. Las "Nightly Builds" son compilaciones alfa creadas a partir de nuestra última versión de desarrollo. Su ayuda probando y comunicando errores en estas versiones es incalculable. Nota: Estas compilaciones pueden ser más inestables que las versiones beta o estable. No deberían utilizarse como versión de producción de Audacity.
For advanced users, Nightly Builds for OS X 10.4 or later (Universal Binary) are available for testing purposes. "Nightly Builds" are Alpha builds from latest development code. Your help in testing and reporting bugs in these builds is invaluable. Note: These builds will definitely be less reliable than official releases. They should not be used as your production version of Audacity.
Deneyimli kullanıcılar, deneme amacıyla OS X 10.4 ve üzeri için (Evrensel Paket) Gecelik Yapımları kullanabilir. "Gecelik Yapımlar", üzerinde çalışılan ve son geliştirilen kodları içeren Alfa sürümleridir. Bu yapımları sınamanız ve bulduğunuz hataları iletmeniz bizim için değeri ölçülemez bir destektir. Not: Bu yapımlar doğal olarak resmi sürümlerden daha kararsızdır. Üretim ortamında kullanmanız önerilmez.
For advanced users, Nightly Builds for OS X 10.4 or later (Universal Binary) are available for testing purposes. "Nightly Builds" are Alpha builds from latest development code. Your help in testing and reporting bugs in these builds is invaluable. Note: These builds will definitely be less reliable than official releases. They should not be used as your production version of Audacity.
For advanced users, Nightly Builds for OS X 10.4 or later (Universal Binary) are available for testing purposes. "Nightly Builds" are Alpha builds from latest development code. Your help in testing and reporting bugs in these builds is invaluable. Note: These builds will definitely be less reliable than official releases. They should not be used as your production version of Audacity.
Erabailtzaile aurreratuentzat, Gau Eraiketak OS X 10.4 edo berriagoetarako (Binario Unibertsala) eskuragarri daude azterketa asmoetarako. "Gau Eraiketak" Alfa eraiketak dira azken garapen kodetik hartuak. Zure laguntza azterketan eta akatsak jakinaraziz oso baliotsua da. Oharra: Eraiketa hauek argitalpen ofizialak baino fidagarritasun gutxiagokoak dira. Ez dituzu zure ekoizpen Audacity bertsio bezala erabili behar.
  Audacity: Nyquist  
Vanaf versie 1.1.1 van Audacity is het mogelijk uw eigen plugineffecten te schrijven met de Nyquist programmeertaal. In tegenstelling tot VST en LADSPA plugins, kunnen Nyquist plugins geschreven worden met een gewone tekstverwerker en hoeven ze niet te worden gecompileerd (= in machinetaal omgezet te worden).
Dès la version 1.1.1, Audacity a rendu possible l'utilisation du langage de programmation Nyquist pour écrire vos propres greffons d'effets pour Audacity. Contrairement aux greffons VST et LANDSPA, les greffons Nyquist peuvent être écrits à l'aide d'un simple éditeur de texte et n'ont pas besoin d'etre compilés.
Seit Version 1.1.1, ermöglicht Audacity Ihnen die Nyquist Programmiersprache zu nutzen, um Ihre eigenen Plugin Effekte für Audacity zu schreiben. Anders als VST und LADSPA Plugins, können Nyquist Plugins mit einem normalen Texteditor geschrieben werden und müssen nicht kompiliert werden.
Desde la versión 1.1.1, Audacity permite usar el lenguaje de programación Nyquist para crear sus propios plug-ins para Audacity. Al contrario que los plug-ins para VST y LADSPA, los plug-ins Nyquist pueden crearse usando un editor de texto normal y no necesitan compilarse.
A partire dalla versione 1.1.1, Audacity vi permette di usare il linguaggio di programmazione Nyquist per scrivere i vostri plug-in effetti per Audacity. Diversamente dai plug-in VST e LADSPA, i plug-in Nyquist possono essere scritti usando un normale editor di testi e non devono essere compilati.
Počevši s inačicom 1.1.1, Audacity vam dopušta porabu Nyquistova programskoga jezika za pisanje vaših dodatnik učinaka za Audacity. Za razliku od VST-ovih i LADSPA-ovih dodataka, Nyquistovi dodatci mogu sepisati porabom običnih tekstovnih uređivača i ne moraju se kompilirati.
Począwszy od wersji 1.1.1, Audacity pozwala na używanie języka programowania Nyquist do tworzenia własnych wtyczek do Audacity. W przeciwieństwie do VST i LADSPA, wtyczki Nyquist mogą być tworzone przy użyciu zwykłego edytora tekstowego i nie muszą byc kompilowane.
Från och med version 1.1.1, tillåter Audacity dig att använda programmeringsspråket Nyquist för att skriva egna instickseffekter för Audacity. Till skillnad från VST- och LADSPA-insticksprogram, så kan Nyquist-insticksprogram skrivas med en vanlig texteditor och behöver inte kompileras.
1.1.1 sürümünden itibaren Audacity, kendi içinde Nyquist programlama dili kullanılarak etki eklentileri yazmanıza olanak sağlamaktadır. VST ya da LADSPA eklentilerinin aksine, Nyquist eklentileri sıradan bir metin düzenleyici ile yazılabilir ve derlenmelerine gerek yoktur.
Beginning with version 1.1.1, Audacity allows you to use the Nyquist programming language to write your own plug-in effects for Audacity. Unlike VST and LADSPA plug-ins, Nyquist plug-ins can be written using an ordinary text editor and don't need to be compiled.
  Audacity: Verkopers en ...  
Als een van de grootste fabrikatnen van usb-draaitafels, bundelde Numark Audacity met de opgesomde producten voor verschillende jaren, waardoor ze meehielpen aan de enorme populariteit om lp's te digitaliseren.
Uno de los principales fabricantes de equipos de reproducción USB, Ion distribuye Audacity con sus productos desde hace algunos años, ayudando a establecer la popularización de la digitalización de LP y de cintas. Nota: En enero de 2007 un select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F40E1EFA35540C728EDDA80894DF404482"> artículo acerca de estos tocadiscos apareció en el New York Times con afirmaciones erróneas sobre limitaciones de Audacity. Al contrario de lo que se afirmaba, Audacity puede grabar un LP completo, detectar las separaciones entre pistas basadas en silencios y exportar simultáneamente múltiples archivos para cada pista. Ion ha corregido su documentación y aún sigue distribuyendo Audacity junto con sus productos. Consulte la página de nuestra Wiki tocadiscos USB para obtener más información.
Come uno dei maggiori produttori di giradischi USB, Numark ha abbinato per molti Audacity con i suoi prodotti in elenco, favorendo l'ampia diffusione della digitalizzazione degli LP. NOTA: Nel gennaio 2007, è apparso un articolo su questi giradischi nel New York Times, contenente affermazioni errate sulle limitazioni di Audacity. Numark ha successivamente corretto la propria documentazione per chiarire che Audacity può registrare un intero LP, rilevare i punti di divisione tra le tracce LP basate sui silenzi, ed esportare simultaneamente più file per ciascuna traccia. Consultate la nostra pagina Wiki sui USB turntables per avere maggiori informazioni.
As one of the major manufacturers of USB turntables, Numark bundled Audacity with the listed products for several years, helping to establish the wide popularity of digitizing LPs. NOTE: In January 2007, an article about these turntables appeared in the New York Times, containing erroneous statements about limitations of Audacity. Numark later corrected their documentation to clarify that Audacity could record a whole LP, detect split points between LP tracks based on silences and simultaneously export multiple files for each track. See our Wiki page about USB turntables for more information.
USB ग्रामोफ़ोन. नोट: जनवरी 2007 में, इन ग्रामोफ़ोन के बारे में एक लेख न्यू यॉर्क टाइम्स में छपी थी, जिसमें ऑडेसिटी की सीमाओं के बारे में गलत बातें थी. उस लेख में जो भी कहा गया हो लेकिन, ऑडेसिटी एक पूरी एल.पी. रिकॉर्ड कर सकता है, एल.पी. ट्रैकों के बीच की चुप्पी के आधार पर ट्रैक विभाजन कर सकता है, और साथ ही प्रत्येक ट्रैक के लिए कई सारी फाइलें एक ही बार में निर्यात कर सकता है. आयन ने अपने दस्तावेज़ों को सही कर लिया है, और वर्तमान में सूचीबद्ध उत्पादों के साथ ऑडेसिटी भी दे रहे हैं. कृपया USB ग्रामोफ़ोन के बारे में अधिक जानकारी के लिए हमारा विकी पृष्ठ देखें.
  Audacity: Verkrijg Auda...  
Audacity is altijd gratis om te downloaden van ons, maar derden kunnen ook ons programma verkopen of verdelen op een andere manier, dankzij de GNU General Public License. Merk op dat deze versies dikwijls niet de laatste versie van Audacity zijn, dus we raden u aan om dit te controleren voordat u ze koopt.
La descarga de Audacity es libre, pero también es posible vender copias del programa gracias a la Licencia GNU/GPL. Tenga en cuenta que a veces no incluyen la última versión, así que le sugerimos que se asegure antes de adquirirlo.
Audacity è sempre liberamente scaricabile presso il nostro sito, ma terze parti possono inoltre vendere o altrimenti distribuire il nostro programma, grazie alla GNU General Public License. È da notare che spesso non sono l'ultima versione di Audacity, e quindi vi invitiamo a controllare prima dell'acquisto.
Audacity is always free to download from us, but third parties can also sell or otherwise distribute our program, thanks to the GNU General Public License. Note that these are often not the latest version of Audacity, so we suggest you check before purchasing.
Audacity is always free to download from us, but third parties can also sell or otherwise distribute our program, thanks to the GNU General Public License. Note that these are often not the latest version of Audacity, so we suggest you check before purchasing.
Audacity is always free to download from us, but third parties can also sell or otherwise distribute our program, thanks to the GNU General Public License. Note that these are often not the latest version of Audacity, so we suggest you check before purchasing.
Audacity is always free to download from us, but third parties can also sell or otherwise distribute our program, thanks to the GNU General Public License. Note that these are often not the latest version of Audacity, so we suggest you check before purchasing.
Audacity is always free to download from us, but third parties can also sell or otherwise distribute our program, thanks to the GNU General Public License. Note that these are often not the latest version of Audacity, so we suggest you check before purchasing.
Audacity is always free to download from us, but third parties can also sell or otherwise distribute our program, thanks to the GNU General Public License. Note that these are often not the latest version of Audacity, so we suggest you check before purchasing.
Audacity is always free to download from us, but third parties can also sell or otherwise distribute our program, thanks to the GNU General Public License. Note that these are often not the latest version of Audacity, so we suggest you check before purchasing.
Audacity lahko preneste brezplačno, pa tudi prodajalci lahko brezplačno prodajajo ali na druge načine razširjajo izvode programa zahvaljujoč splošnem javnem dovoljenju GNU. Upoštevajte, da to pogosto niso najnovejše izdaje Audacity, kar je priporočljivo preveriti pred nakupom.
Audacity is always free to download from us, but third parties can also sell or otherwise distribute our program, thanks to the GNU General Public License. Note that these are often not the latest version of Audacity, so we suggest you check before purchasing.
Audacity is always free to download from us, but third parties can also sell or otherwise distribute our program, thanks to the GNU General Public License. Note that these are often not the latest version of Audacity, so we suggest you check before purchasing.
Audacity is always free to download from us, but third parties can also sell or otherwise distribute our program, thanks to the GNU General Public License. Note that these are often not the latest version of Audacity, so we suggest you check before purchasing.
Audacity betik da dohainik jeistekoa gurean, baina hirugarrenek saldu edo bestela banatu dezakete gure programa, GNU Baimen Publiko Orokorra-ri esker. Ohartu hauek askotan ez direla Audacity-ren azken bertsioa, hortaz erosi aurretik egiaztatzea gomendatzen dugu.
  Audacity: Licentie en a...  
We zouden appreciëren indien u teruglinkt naar onze website: http://audacity.sourceforge.net zodat uw gebruikers bijgewerkte versies van Audacity kunnen downloaden wanneer ze uit zijn. Gelieve u ook in te schrijven op de notificatielijst onderaan http://audacity.sourceforge.net om u ervan te verzekeren dat u advies krijgt in verband met de laatste versie van Audacity en ze kan verdelen.
Nous apprécions vos liens vers notre site web: http://audacity.sourceforge.net ainsi, nos utilisateurs peuvent télécharger des versions mises à jour d'Audacity quand elles sortent. Aussi, merci de vous abonner à la liste de notification en bas de http://audacity.sourceforge.net pour être sûr de recevoir les nouvelles et de pouvoir distribuer la dernière version d'Audacity.
Wir begrüßen es, wenn Sie auf unsere Webseite verlinken: http://audacity.sourceforge.net, sodass Ihre Benutzer die aktualisierte Version von Audacity ab Release runterladen können. Bitte tragen Sie sich in die Benachrichtigungsliste unten auf http://audacity.sourceforge.net ein, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie über den neuesten Audacity-Release informiert werden und diese verteilen können.
Le agradeceríamos mucho que enlazara a nuestro sitio web: http://audacity.sourceforge.net para que sus usuarios puedan descargar versiones actualizadas de Audacity cuando aparezcan. Además, puede suscribirse a la lista de notificaciones que aparece en la parte final de http://audacity.sourceforge.net para asegurarse de recibir consejos y poder distribuir la última versión de Audacity.
È gradito il link al nostro sito web: http://audacity.sourceforge.net in modo che gli utenti possano scaricare le versioni aggiornate di Audacity quando vengono rilasciate. Inoltre, siete invitati a iscrivervi alla lista di notifica nella parte inferiore di http://audacity.sourceforge.net per essere certi di ricevere notizia dell'ultima versione di Audacity e di poterla così distribuire.
Gostaríamos que você também adicionasse um link para o nosso site: http://audacity.sourceforge.net para que seus usuários possam baixar atualizações do programa. Inscreva-se também na lista de notificações no rodapé da página, assim você garante que será sempre informado do lançamento de novas versões.
私たちのWebサイト: http://audacity.sourceforge.netへのリンクによりあなたのユーザーが最新バージョンのAudacityをダウンロードできるようにすることを歓迎いたします。 さらに、http://audacity.sourceforge.net の末尾にある通知リストを購読しAudacityのお知らせを受け取り、最新バージョンを配布できるようにしてください。
We would appreciate your linking to our web site: http://audacity.sourceforge.net so your users can download updated versions of Audacity when released. Also, please subscribe to the notifications list at the bottom of http://audacity.sourceforge.net to ensure you receive advice of and can distribute the latest version of Audacity.
We would appreciate your linking to our web site: http://audacity.sourceforge.net so your users can download updated versions of Audacity when released. Also, please subscribe to the notifications list at the bottom of http://audacity.sourceforge.net to ensure you receive advice of and can distribute the latest version of Audacity.
Ocenili by sme váš odkaz na našej webovej stránke: http://audacity.sourceforge.net tak, si vaši užívatelia môžu stiahnuť aktualizované verzie Audacity keď budú uvoľnené. Tiež, prosím podpíšte sa na zoznam v spodnej časti http://audacity.sourceforge.net aby ste sa uistili, že budete dostávať doporučenia a môžete distribuovať poslednú verziu Audacity.
Hvaležni bomo, če boste dodali povezavo na našo spletno stran: http://audacity.sourceforge.net, tako da lahko vaši uporabniki prenesejo posodobljene različice Audacity, ko izidejo. Prav tako se prijavite na obvestila na dnu http://audacity.sourceforge.net, da si zagotovite prejemanje nasvetov in da lahko razširjate najnovejšo različico Audacity.
Vi skulle uppskatta att du länkar till vår hemsida: http://audacity.sourceforge.net så dina användare kan hämta uppdaterade versioner av Audacity när de släpps. Ta därför och prenumerera på kungörelselistan längst ner på http://audacity.sourceforge.net för att försäkra dig om att erhålla tips och möjlighet att kunna distribuera den senaste versionen av Audacity.
Web sitemize vereceğiniz bağlantılara minnettar kalırız: http://audacity.sourceforge.net. Böylece kullanıcılarınız yeni Audacity sürümleri yayınlandıkça bunları indirebilirler. Ayrıca http://audacity.sourceforge.net sayfasının altındaki uyarılar listesine üye olarak, son Audacity sürümü duyurularını alıp, doğru sürümü dağıttınızdan emin olabilirsiniz.
Chúng tôi sẽ đánh giá cao sự kết nối của bạn đến trang web chúng tôi: http://audacity.sourceforge.net như vậy người dùng của bạn có thể tải phiên bản cập nhật của Audacity khi phát hành. Ngoài ra, xin hãy đăng ký vào danh sách nhận thư ở dưới trang http://audacity.sourceforge.net để đảm bảo bạn nhận được chỉ dẫn và có thể phân phối phiên bản mới nhất của Audacity.
Eskertuko genizuke gure webgunera lotura izatea: http://audacity.sourceforge.net horrela zure erabiltzaileek Audacity-ren bertsio eguneratu bat jeitsi dezakete argitaratzen denean. Baita ere, mesedez harpidetu jakinarazpen zerrendara http://audacity.sourceforge.net behealdean, oharra jasotzen duzula zihurtatzeko eta Audacity-ren azken bertsioa banatu ahal izateko.
  Audacity: Licentie en a...  
We zouden appreciëren indien u teruglinkt naar onze website: http://audacity.sourceforge.net zodat uw gebruikers bijgewerkte versies van Audacity kunnen downloaden wanneer ze uit zijn. Gelieve u ook in te schrijven op de notificatielijst onderaan http://audacity.sourceforge.net om u ervan te verzekeren dat u advies krijgt in verband met de laatste versie van Audacity en ze kan verdelen.
Nous apprécions vos liens vers notre site web: http://audacity.sourceforge.net ainsi, nos utilisateurs peuvent télécharger des versions mises à jour d'Audacity quand elles sortent. Aussi, merci de vous abonner à la liste de notification en bas de http://audacity.sourceforge.net pour être sûr de recevoir les nouvelles et de pouvoir distribuer la dernière version d'Audacity.
Wir begrüßen es, wenn Sie auf unsere Webseite verlinken: http://audacity.sourceforge.net, sodass Ihre Benutzer die aktualisierte Version von Audacity ab Release runterladen können. Bitte tragen Sie sich in die Benachrichtigungsliste unten auf http://audacity.sourceforge.net ein, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie über den neuesten Audacity-Release informiert werden und diese verteilen können.
Le agradeceríamos mucho que enlazara a nuestro sitio web: http://audacity.sourceforge.net para que sus usuarios puedan descargar versiones actualizadas de Audacity cuando aparezcan. Además, puede suscribirse a la lista de notificaciones que aparece en la parte final de http://audacity.sourceforge.net para asegurarse de recibir consejos y poder distribuir la última versión de Audacity.
È gradito il link al nostro sito web: http://audacity.sourceforge.net in modo che gli utenti possano scaricare le versioni aggiornate di Audacity quando vengono rilasciate. Inoltre, siete invitati a iscrivervi alla lista di notifica nella parte inferiore di http://audacity.sourceforge.net per essere certi di ricevere notizia dell'ultima versione di Audacity e di poterla così distribuire.
Gostaríamos que você também adicionasse um link para o nosso site: http://audacity.sourceforge.net para que seus usuários possam baixar atualizações do programa. Inscreva-se também na lista de notificações no rodapé da página, assim você garante que será sempre informado do lançamento de novas versões.
私たちのWebサイト: http://audacity.sourceforge.netへのリンクによりあなたのユーザーが最新バージョンのAudacityをダウンロードできるようにすることを歓迎いたします。 さらに、http://audacity.sourceforge.net の末尾にある通知リストを購読しAudacityのお知らせを受け取り、最新バージョンを配布できるようにしてください。
We would appreciate your linking to our web site: http://audacity.sourceforge.net so your users can download updated versions of Audacity when released. Also, please subscribe to the notifications list at the bottom of http://audacity.sourceforge.net to ensure you receive advice of and can distribute the latest version of Audacity.
We would appreciate your linking to our web site: http://audacity.sourceforge.net so your users can download updated versions of Audacity when released. Also, please subscribe to the notifications list at the bottom of http://audacity.sourceforge.net to ensure you receive advice of and can distribute the latest version of Audacity.
Ocenili by sme váš odkaz na našej webovej stránke: http://audacity.sourceforge.net tak, si vaši užívatelia môžu stiahnuť aktualizované verzie Audacity keď budú uvoľnené. Tiež, prosím podpíšte sa na zoznam v spodnej časti http://audacity.sourceforge.net aby ste sa uistili, že budete dostávať doporučenia a môžete distribuovať poslednú verziu Audacity.
Hvaležni bomo, če boste dodali povezavo na našo spletno stran: http://audacity.sourceforge.net, tako da lahko vaši uporabniki prenesejo posodobljene različice Audacity, ko izidejo. Prav tako se prijavite na obvestila na dnu http://audacity.sourceforge.net, da si zagotovite prejemanje nasvetov in da lahko razširjate najnovejšo različico Audacity.
Vi skulle uppskatta att du länkar till vår hemsida: http://audacity.sourceforge.net så dina användare kan hämta uppdaterade versioner av Audacity när de släpps. Ta därför och prenumerera på kungörelselistan längst ner på http://audacity.sourceforge.net för att försäkra dig om att erhålla tips och möjlighet att kunna distribuera den senaste versionen av Audacity.
Web sitemize vereceğiniz bağlantılara minnettar kalırız: http://audacity.sourceforge.net. Böylece kullanıcılarınız yeni Audacity sürümleri yayınlandıkça bunları indirebilirler. Ayrıca http://audacity.sourceforge.net sayfasının altındaki uyarılar listesine üye olarak, son Audacity sürümü duyurularını alıp, doğru sürümü dağıttınızdan emin olabilirsiniz.
Chúng tôi sẽ đánh giá cao sự kết nối của bạn đến trang web chúng tôi: http://audacity.sourceforge.net như vậy người dùng của bạn có thể tải phiên bản cập nhật của Audacity khi phát hành. Ngoài ra, xin hãy đăng ký vào danh sách nhận thư ở dưới trang http://audacity.sourceforge.net để đảm bảo bạn nhận được chỉ dẫn và có thể phân phối phiên bản mới nhất của Audacity.
Eskertuko genizuke gure webgunera lotura izatea: http://audacity.sourceforge.net horrela zure erabiltzaileek Audacity-ren bertsio eguneratu bat jeitsi dezakete argitaratzen denean. Baita ere, mesedez harpidetu jakinarazpen zerrendara http://audacity.sourceforge.net behealdean, oharra jasotzen duzula zihurtatzeko eta Audacity-ren azken bertsioa banatu ahal izateko.
  Audacity: Windows bèta  
Help onze ontwikkelingsinspanningen door de bèta uit te proberen en ons uw opmerkingen te sturen. Gelieve uw besturingssysteem, volledige details over eventuele problemen en alle functies die verbetering nodig hebben of niet langer goed werken te vermelden.
Merci d'aider à l'effort de développement en essayant la Bêta et en nous envoyant vos commentaires. Merci de nous communiquer votre système d'exploitation, tous les détails sur les problèmes rencontrés et toutes les fonctionnalités qui nécessitent d'être améliorées ou qui ne fonctionnent plus correctement. Vous pouvez installer les version 1.3 et 1.2 sur la même machine en les installant dans des répertoires différents.
Bitte helfen Sie unsere Entwicklungsbemühungen durch ausprobieren der Beta Version und senden Sie uns Ihre Kommentare. Bitte geben Sie Ihr Betriebssystem an, alle Details zu irgendwelchen Problemen und alle Funktionen, die möglicherweise verbessert werden sollen oder nicht mehr zuverlässig funktionieren. Sie können 1.3 und 1.2 auf dem gleichen Rechner installieren, indem Sie sie in verschiedene Ordner installieren.
Ayude a nuestro esfuerzo de desarrollo probando la versión beta y enviarnos sus comentarios. Por favor, no olvide indicar su sistema operativo, detallar las dificultades con las que se haya podido encontrar e indicar qué funciones hay que mejorar o han dejado de funcionar correctamente. Puede instalar las versiones 1.3 y 1.2 en el mismo sistema instalándolos en directorios distintos.
Aiutate i nostri sforzi di sviluppo provando la Beta e inviateci i vostri commenti. Menzionate il vostro sistema operativo, descrivete in dettaglio qualsiasi problema, e ogni caratteristica che necessita di miglioramenti o che non funziona adeguatamente. È possibile installare le versioni 1.3 e 1.2 sullo stesso computer inserendole in diverse cartelle.
Please help our development effort by trying the Beta and enviando-nos seus comentários. Por favor, mencione seu sistema operacional, e detalhes completos de qualquer problema que tiver ou um pedido de uma funcionalidade que gostaria de ver implementada ou que não está funcionando como deveria. Você pode instalar as versões 1.2 e 1.3 na mesma máquina, apenas utilizando pastas diferentespara cada versão.
Please help our development effort by trying the Beta and send us your comments. Please mention your operating system, full details of any problems, and any features that need improvement or no longer work properly. You can install 1.3 and 1.2 on the same machine by installing them to different directories.
Molimo, pomognite našem razvoju iskušavanjem Bete i pošaljite nam svoje osvrte. Molimo, spomenite svoj operacijski sustav, sve potankosti neke teškoće i koje god značajke koje trebaju poboljšanje ili više uopće ne rade ispravno. Možete ugraditi 1.3 i 1.2 na isto računalo ako ih ugradite u različite mape.
Please help our development effort by trying the Beta and send us your comments. Please mention your operating system, full details of any problems, and any features that need improvement or no longer work properly. You can install 1.3 and 1.2 on the same machine by installing them to different directories.
Please help our development effort by trying the Beta and send us your comments. Please mention your operating system, full details of any problems, and any features that need improvement or no longer work properly. You can install 1.3 and 1.2 on the same machine by installing them to different directories.
Please help our development effort by trying the Beta and wysyłając nam komentarze. Opisz system operacyjny, szczególy problemu, na jaki się natknąłeś i wszelkie funkcje, które twoim zdaniem wymagają poprawy. Możesz zainstalować wersje 1.3 i 1.2 na tym samym komputerze instalując je do innych katalogów.
Please help our development effort by trying the Beta and send us your comments. Please mention your operating system, full details of any problems, and any features that need improvement or no longer work properly. You can install 1.3 and 1.2 on the same machine by installing them to different directories.
Pomagajte našemu razvoji s poskušanjem različic beta in pošljite svoja mnenja. Ne pozabite omeniti svojega operacijskega sistema, polnih podatkov o vseh težava, ter vse funkcionalnosti, ki potrebujejo izboljšave ali ne delujejo več pravilno. Različici 1.3 in 1.2 lahko namestite na isti računalnik, v različni mapi.
Geliştirme çabalarımıza yardımcı olmak için Beta sürümünü deneyin ve bize önerilerinizi gönderin. İletilerinizde, lütfen, işletim sisteminizi, geliştirilmeye gerek duyan ya da doğru çalışmayan özellikleri ve sorunlarla ilgili tüm ayrıntıları belirtin. Farklı klasörlerde olmak şartıyla, 1.3 ve 1.2 sürümlerini aynı bilgisayar üzerine kurabilirsiniz.
Please help our development effort by trying the Beta and gửi cho chúng tôi bình luận của bạn. Vui lòng đề cập đến hệ điều hành của bạn, chi tiết đầy đủ của bất cứ vấn đề nào, và bất cứ tính năng nào cần cải thiện hoặc không còn làm việc tốt. Bạn có thể cài đặt 1.3 và 1.2 trên cùng một máy bằng việc cài đặt chúng trên các thư mục khác nhau.
Mesedez laguundu gure garapen ahalegina probatuz Beta eta bidalizkiguzu zure aipamenak. Mesedez adierazi zure sistema ergilea, arazoen xehetasun guztiak eta hobekuntza behar duen edo egoki lan egiten ez duen edozein ezaugarri. 1.3 eta 1.2 makina berean ezarri ditzakezu zuzenbide ezberdinetan ezarriz.
  Audacity: Licentie en a...  
Als u onze installers verdeelt en ze niet wijzigt, zal dit volledig overeenkomen, omdat de installers de GPL bevatten en ook een aanbod in README.txt voor gebruikers om de broncode van ons te verkrijgen.
Si vous distribuez nos installateurs sans les modifier, c'est une offre complète, car les installateurs incluent la GPL et la marche à suivre, dans le fichier README.txt, pour les utilisateurs qui veulent obtenir le code source directement par nous. Les versions d'Audacity après la 1.3.3 incluent également la GPL dans l'application elle-même, dans le dialogue "à propos" d'Audacity.
Wenn Sie unsere Installer verteilen und sie nicht verändern, dann haben Sie unsere Zustimmung, weil die Installer die GPL beinhalten und ein Angebot für Benutzer in der README.txt enthält, den Quellcode von uns herunterzuladen. Versionen von Audacity nach 1.3.3 beinhalten die GPL auch in der Anwendung selbst, im Über Audacity Dialog. Auf dieser Webseite unterbinden wir Werbeanzeigen von Distributoren, die veränderte Installer anbieten; dies daher, weil jede Veränderung erwarten lässt, dass unerwünschte Software hinzugefügt werden könnte.
Si distribuye nuestros instaladores y no los modifica, es correcto, ya que los instaladores incluyen la licencia GPL y, el archivo README.txt, un ofrecimiento a los usuarios para obtener de nosotros el código fuente del programa. Las versiones de Audacity previas a la 1.3.3 incluyen también la licencia GPL en la propia aplicación, en el cuadro de diálogo Acerca de Audacity. En este sitio, bloqueamos la publicidad de nuestros distribuidores ofreciendo instaladores modificados de Audacity, con la expectativa de que cualquier modificación es cómo añadir software no deseado.
Se distribuite i nostri installere non li modificate, questo sarà nel pieno rispetto, poiché gli installer includono la GPL e un'offerta nel README.txt per gli utenti per ottenere il codice sorgenti da parte nostra. Le versioni di Audacity dopo la 1.3.3 iltre comprendono la GPL nell'applicazione stessa, nel dialogo Informazioni su Audacity. In questo sito, abbiamo bloccato la publicità per i distributori che offrono installer di Audacity modificati, con il presupposto che qualsiasi modifica comporti probabilmente l'aggiunta di software non desiderato.
If you distribute our installers and do not modify them, this will fully comply, because the installers include the GPL and an offer in README.txt for users to obtain the source code from us. Versions of Audacity after 1.3.3 also include the GPL in the application itself, in the About Audacity dialog. On this site, we block advertisements from distributors offering modified installers of Audacity, on the expectation that any modification is likely adding unwanted software.
改変なしであれば私たちのインストーラー を配布することができます。なぜならこのインストーラーは GPLを含み、私たちよりソースコードを入手する方法がREADME.txtに記載されているからです。バージョン1.3.3以降のAudacityではGPLは「Audacityについて」ダイアログの中に含まれています。 このWebサイトでは改変されたAudacityのインストーラーを提供するディストリビューターの広告はブロックしています。なぜならそのような改変は不必要なソフトウェアを追加していることが多いからです。
If you distribute our installers and do not modify them, this will fully comply, because the installers include the GPL and an offer in README.txt for users to obtain the source code from us. Versions of Audacity after 1.3.3 also include the GPL in the application itself, in the About Audacity dialog. On this site, we block advertisements from distributors offering modified installers of Audacity, on the expectation that any modification is likely adding unwanted software.
If you distribute our installers and do not modify them, this will fully comply, because the installers include the GPL and an offer in README.txt for users to obtain the source code from us. Versions of Audacity after 1.3.3 also include the GPL in the application itself, in the About Audacity dialog. On this site, we block advertisements from distributors offering modified installers of Audacity, on the expectation that any modification is likely adding unwanted software.
If you distribute our installers and do not modify them, this will fully comply, because the installers include the GPL and an offer in README.txt for users to obtain the source code from us. Versions of Audacity after 1.3.3 also include the GPL in the application itself, in the About Audacity dialog. On this site, we block advertisements from distributors offering modified installers of Audacity, on the expectation that any modification is likely adding unwanted software.
Če razširjate naše namestitvene datoteke in jih ne spreminjate, s tem ustrežete obema zahtevama, saj vključujejo licenco GPL in ponudbo uporabnikom v datoteki README.txt, da od nas pridobijo izvorno kodo. Novejše različice Audacity od 1.3.3 naprej vključujejo tudi GPL v samem programu, v pogovornem oknu O Audacity. Na tem spletišču blokiramo oglase distributerjev, ki ponujajo spremenjene namestitvene datoteke Audacity zaradi predvidevanja, da vsakršna sprememba pomeni dodano neželeno programje.
If you distribute our installers and do not modify them, this will fully comply, because the installers include the GPL and an offer in README.txt for users to obtain the source code from us. Versions of Audacity after 1.3.3 also include the GPL in the application itself, in the About Audacity dialog. On this site, we block advertisements from distributors offering modified installers of Audacity, on the expectation that any modification is likely adding unwanted software.
Audacity yükleyicilerini değiştirmeden dağıtıyorsanız, yükleyiciler GPL ve kullanıcıların bizim tarafımızdan geliştirilmiş bir kodu aldığını açıklayan bir README.txt dosyasını içerdiğinden, tamamen uyumlu olacaktır. Audacity 1.3.3 üzerindeki sürümlerde, yazılımın kendisi de Audacity Hakkında dialoğunda GPL açıklamasını içerir. Bu sitede, değiştirilmiş Audacity yükleyicileri oluşturmuş dağıtıcılardan gelen reklamları engelliyoruz. Çünkü yapılmış olan değişiklik, istenmeyen yazılımların yüklenmesine yol açabiliyor.
If you distribute our installers and do not modify them, this will fully comply, because the installers include the GPL and an offer in README.txt for users to obtain the source code from us. Versions of Audacity after 1.3.3 also include the GPL in the application itself, in the About Audacity dialog. On this site, we block advertisements from distributors offering modified installers of Audacity, on the expectation that any modification is likely adding unwanted software.
Gure ezartzaileak banatzen badituzu eta ez badituzu aldatzen, honek osorik beteko du, zeren ezartzaileek barne dute GPL baimena eta IRAKURRI.txt eskaintza bat erabiltzaileek iturburu kodea gudandik lortzeko. 1.3.3-tik aurrerako Audacity bertsioek ere GPL baimena barneratzen dute aplikazioan bertan, Audacity Buruz elkarrizketan. Webgune honetan, blokeatu egin ditugu banatzaileek eskaintzen dituzten Audacity ezartzaile aldatuen iragarkiak, uste dugulako edozein aldaketa duena nahi ez den softwarea gehitzea dela.
  Audacity: Windows bèta  
"Nightly builds" zijn Alpha builds van de nieuwste ontwikkelingscode. Uw hulp bij het testen en bugs rapporteren bij deze builds zijn van onschatbare waarde. Opmerking: deze builds zullen zeker minder stabiel zijn dan officiële versies.
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7: fichier 1.3.14 zip d'Audacity (7,8 MB) - Si vous voulez un téléchargement sans les fichiers d'aide ou si vous ne pouvez pas exécuter le programme d'installation à cause de droits restreints, téléchargez et décompressez ceci ou le fichier Windows 98/ME ci-dessous à la place.
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7: Audacity 1.3.14 zip Datei (7,8 MB) - Wenn Sie keine Hilfedateien herunterladen möchten, oder wenn Sie das Installationsprogramm wegen eingeschränkter Rechte nicht verwenden können, verwenden Sie diese, oder die Windows 98/ME Datei hierunter stattdessen.
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7: Para usuarios experimentados, las versiones Nightly Builds se encuentran disponibles para hacer pruebas de los últimos cambios.Las "Nightly Builds" son compilaciones alfa creadas a partir de nuestra última versión de desarrollo. Su ayuda probando y comunicando errores en estas versiones es incalculable. Nota: Estas compilaciones pueden ser más inestables que las versiones beta o estable. No deberían utilizarse como versión de producción de Audacity.
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7: File zip Audacity 1.3.14 (7,8 MB) - Se volete scaricare senza i file di aiuto, o non è possibile avviare l'installer a causa di autorizzazioni limitate, scaricate e decomprimete questo file o invece il file Windows 98/ME seguente.
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7: For advanced users, Nightly Builds are available for testing purposes."Nightly Builds" are Alpha builds from latest development code. Your help in testing and reporting bugs in these builds is invaluable. Note: These builds will definitely be less reliable than official releases. They should not be used as your production version of Audacity.
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7: 上級ユーサー向けに, Nightly Builds をテスト目的で使用することができます。"Nightly Builds" は通常のリリースの間に私たちの最新開発コードからアルファビルドされたものです。 このビルドをテストしたりバグの報告 をいただくことは計り知れないほどの価値があります。注意: これらのビルドは、当然のことながら、正式版より不安定である可能性があります。作品制作用としては使用しないでください。
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7: Za napredne korisnike, Noćne gradnje dostupne su za svrhe ispitivanja."Noćne gradnje" pokusne (alpha) su gradnje iz najnovijih razvojnih kodova. Vaša pomoć u njihovom ispitivanju i prijavljivanju pogrješaka dragocjena je. Napominjem: Ove gradnje sigurno ne će biti pouzdane kao službene objave. Ne biste ih smjeli rabiti kao vaše radne inačice Audacityja.
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7: उन्नत उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए, नाइटी बिल्ड्स परीक्षण प्रयोजनों के लिए उपलब्ध हैं. "Nightly Builds" are Alpha builds from latest development code. Your help in testing and reporting bugs in these builds is invaluable. Note: These builds will definitely be less reliable than official releases. They should not be used as your production version of Audacity.
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7: For advanced users, Nightly Builds are available for testing purposes."Nightly Builds" are Alpha builds from latest development code. Your help in testing and reporting bugs in these builds is invaluable. Note: These builds will definitely be less reliable than official releases. They should not be used as your production version of Audacity.
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7: For advanced users, Nightly Builds are available for testing purposes."Nightly Builds" are Alpha builds from latest development code. Your help in testing and reporting bugs in these builds is invaluable. Note: These builds will definitely be less reliable than official releases. They should not be used as your production version of Audacity.
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7: Audacity 1.3.14 zip dosyası (7,8 MB) - Yardım dosyaları olmadan indirmek istiyorsanız ya da kısıtlanmış yetkilerden dolayı yükleyiciyi çalıştıramıyorsanız, bu ya da aşağıdaki Windows 98/ME zip dosyasını indirip ayıklayın.
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7: Dành cho người dùng cao cấp, bản Nightly Builds sẵn có cho mục đích kiểm tra."Nightly Builds" are Alpha builds from latest development code. Your help in testing and reporting bugs in these builds is invaluable. Note: These builds will definitely be less reliable than official releases. They should not be used as your production version of Audacity.
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7: Файл zip Audacity 1.3.14 (7,8 МБ) — Якщо вам не потрібні файли довідки або ви не можете запускати встановлювач через обмеження прав вашого облікового запису користувача, звантажте і розпакуйте цей файл або файл для Windows 98/ME.