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  Fossils in stone: acid ...  
We rarely find fossils in perfect condition. When we collect them, most of them are partially or almost completely concealed in rock. To study them in detail, or to prepare them to be displayed, we must carefully remove the rock.
Anaml y bydd ffosilau mewn cyflwr perffaith yn cael eu canfod. Pan fyddan nhw'n cael eu casglu, bydd y rhan fwyaf o ffosilau wedi'u cuddio'n rhannol, neu yn llwr, mewn matrics carreg. Er mwyn eu hastudio'n fanwl, neu i'w paratoi ar gyfer arddangos, rhai tynnu'r garreg o'u hamgylch yn ofalus.
  Caerleon - City of the ...  
) and next to it the commanding officer's house. Remains of the fortress baths (the baths are now in the care of Cadw, who have restored them as a visitor attraction), a hospital, officers' houses and various work-shops have also been found. But over half the area would have contained barrack blocks to house the ordinary soldiers - over 5,000 of them. Most of these buildings were first constructed in wood; they were gradually rebuilt in stone from the 2nd century onwards.
Mae'n debyg yr oedd y gaer ar ei prysuraf ym mlynyddoedd olaf y ganrif gyntaf ac yn gynnar yn yr ail. Wedi'r cyfnod hwn, gwyddys y bu'r lleng wrthi'n codi Mur Hadrian ar draws gogledd Lloegr, rhwng Merin Rheged ac afon Tyne. Eto i gyd, dim ond ym mlynyddoedd cynnar teyrnasiad Antoninus Pius (OC138-161) y bu gostyngiad sylweddol ym mhoblogaeth Caerllion, newid a ddynodai ymrwymiad cadarnach o lawer i'r achos yng ngogledd Lloegr.