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  Francesca Masoero | Kun...  
Hun er interesseret i at undersøge samtidskunstpraksissers rolle indenfor inden for socio-økonomisk og politisk kritik i konteksten af sene kapitalistiske transformationer, med specielt fokus på post-koloniale samfund. Siden 2014 har Francesca samarbejdet med forskellige selvstændige kulturelle platforme i Bruxelles og i Marokko, såsom LE 18, Saout Radio og Mòsso.
Francesca Masoero is an independent researcher, project manager and curator graduated in International Political Economy (University of Kent). She is interested in exploring the role of contemporary art practices as forms of socio-economic and political critique in the context of late capitalism transformations, with a particular focus on postcolonial societies. Since 2014, Francesca collaborates with various independent cultural platforms in Brussels and in Morocco, such as LE 18, Saout Radio and Mòsso.
  Show-Bix & (Sebastian F...  
De kaldte deres produktioner for ’stykker’ og ’anti-happenings’. Gruppens medlemmer søger aktivt medierne og teknologierne som platforme for et helt nyt og anderledes udtryk, som opererer bevidst bag massemediernes scener og bag den fælles ’mediebevidsthed’.
The best way to explain Show-Bix for posterity is perhaps as a group experimenting with media and aesthetics, a group that were a part of the contemporary artistic network, but at the same time sought to break with the prevailing (and narrow) artistic production orthodoxies, and instead present the audience with a series of qualified alternatives to the existing art scene. They called their productions ‘pieces’ and ‘anti-happenings’. The members of the group actively sought out media and technologies as platforms for a brand new and different expression, which intentionally operates in opposition to the mass-media, and the collective ‘media-consciousness’.