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Keybot 2 Results  www.elsecretodecarol.com
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River tour no confortável Iate Borari I, para um passeio pela Baia de Guajará até a Ilha das Onças, entrando no furo dos Macacos (não desce da embarcação). Apreciam-se comunidades ribeirinhas dedicadas ao cultivo do açaí, fruto amazônico mundialmente valorizado e essencial na alimentação e na economia do caboclo local.
River tour in comfortable Yacht Borari I, for a stroll through Guajará Bay to Isla de Onças, entering the Monkey Hole (not descending from the boat). There are riverside communities dedicated to the cultivation of açaí, a world-renowned Amazon fruit that is essential in the food and economy of the local caboclo.
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Passeio de barco pelo rio Guamá, navegando pelo Furo da Paciência e observando o estilo de vida dos ribeirinhos da Ilha do Cumbú, onde as ruas são os rios. Parada em uma comunidade onde é possível comprar peças de artesanato, incluindo cerâmica.
Boat trip along the Guamá River, sailing through the Patience Hole and observing the lifestyle of the riverside of Cumbú Island, where the streets are the rivers. Stop in a community where you can buy handicrafts, including pottery. Walking, you will know a preserved forest environment. One has the opportunity to extract latex from the rubber tree, learn how to climb the açai tree and taste the chestnut that will be removed from the hedgehog. An important moment is the encounter with Samaumeira, the “Queen of the Amazon”. If the group has more than 30 people, you can hug it. Returning, the time is for relaxing, and also for joy. A quiet, cultural and fun tour.