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Keybot 3 Results
  UZH Mediadesk - Wie Mus...  
Wurde dieselbe Übung aber unter Narkotisierung des Rückenmarks (Spinalanästhesie) durchgeführt – und damit die Rückmeldung vom Muskel an das primäre motorische Areal unterbrochen –, fielen die entsprechenden, ermüdungsbedingten Hemmprozesse signifikant schwächer aus, als wenn die Muskelinformationen intakt waren.
In the initial study, the researchers showed that nerve impulses from the muscle – much like pain information – inhibit the primary motoric area during a tiring, energy-demanding exercise. They were able to prove this using measurements in which study participants repeated thigh contractions until they could no longer attain the force required. If the same exercise was conducted under narcotization of the spinal chord (spinal anesthesia), thus interrupting the response from the muscle to the primary motoric area, the corresponding fatigue-related inhibition processes became significantly weaker than when the muscle information was intact.
  UZH Mediadesk - Testost...  
Darüber hinaus zeigt die Studie, dass die Volksweisheit, das Hormon mache aggressiv, offenbar tief sitzt: Jene Versuchspersonen, die glaubten, das Testosteronpräparat und nicht das Scheinpräparat erhalten zu haben, fielen durch äusserst unfaire Angebote auf.
Moreover the study shows that the popular wisdom that the hormone causes aggression is apparently deeply entrenched: those test subjects who believed they had received the testosterone compound and not the placebo stood out with their conspicuously unfair offers. It is possible that these persons exploited the popular wisdom to legitimate their unfair actions. Economist Michael Naef states: «It appears that it is not testosterone itself that induces aggressiveness, but rather the myth surrounding the hormone. In a society where qualities and manners of behavior are increasingly traced to biological causes and thereby partly legitimated, this should make us sit up and take notice.» The study clearly demonstrates the influence of both social as well as biological factors on human behavior.
  UZH Mediadesk - BSE-Err...  
Das Prion ist der Infektionserreger, der die «Rinderwahn»-Epidemie, auch unter dem Namen BSE (Bovine spongiforme Enzephalopathie) bekannt, verursachte. Mehr als 280’000 Rinder fielen in den letzten Jahrzehnten der BSE zum Opfer.
The prion is the infectious agent that caused the epidemic of mad cow disease, also termed bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), and claimed the life of over 280,000 cows in the past decades. Transmission of BSE to humans, e.g. by ingesting food derived from BSE-infected cows, causes variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease which is characterized by a progressive and invariably lethal breakdown of brain cells.